Aggie Hero: Katrina Manrique

Student mental health advocate honored as Aggie Hero. 

Katrina Manrique has put a lot of thought — and action — into supporting the emotional well-being of her fellow students. As a leader of the student-run Mental Health Initiative, the senior has organized protests advocating for services and major mental health conferences.

Double Majors: Explore Your Options

Shannon Beaumont decided to double major early in her college career. But Beaumont took time to explore her options before choosing a second major.

Aggie Develops Path to Becoming Influential Social Media Communicator

LinkedIn Manager Crossed 'Corporate Attorney' off Career List When She Discovered Writing

When I started at UC Davis in 2004, I was undeclared as far as majors go but had aspirations of being a corporate attorney. A career placement quiz in eighth grade put the idea in my head. I decided that my love for writing and arguing would make this a great choice for me.